機微 (KIBI)= 「表面だけでは知ることのできない微妙なおもむき」
礼や義を重んじる道徳な模範など、 日本の心理や作法を再認識させグローバルに展開します。

KIBI = “A subtle taste that cannot be understood through surface appearance alone”
Based on the theme of the subtle aesthetic of the characteristic Japanese tea ceremony, the concept of KIBI is a fusion of Japanese and street cultures.
Kibi is a sense of beauty that allows you to respect others while attaining a bird’s-eye-view of yourself.
It is a spirit of inquiry that encourages not being satisfied but greedily pursuing this way that you’ve chosen.
Kibi presents a model that respects the morals of gratitude and righteousness.
We will develop globally, showing the state of mind and practices of Japan in a new light.